Parents and Friends

Thank you and Merry Christmas to all!

To all the families and friends of OLA, thank you for your support of the P&F throughout 2018. It has been an amazing year, filled with community spirit and generosity.


In 2018, your support ensured our teachers were each able to spend $1000 on those extra special items for the classroom that the kids would otherwise have to do without. We were also able to contribute significantly to the Sensory Integration Program, which will hit its stride in 2019.


Recently the P&F committed to covering the cost of new smart TVs in all of the classrooms. This is a massive donation and one that we will tell you more about next year!


We're already looking ahead to a fabulous 2019, kicking off with the Family Fun Night on Friday 22 February. Mark the dates below in your calendar for next year, but please note that some of the dates may change slightly, depending on venues etc. and there will no doubt be more added! 


And finally, from your P&F Team we wish you all a wonderful, safe and joy-filled Christmas break.

Natalee, Laura, Felicity, Katie and Narelle



Oz Labels – 25% commission goes to OLA!

It’s that time of the year when we start to think about book orders, the dreaded (or loved) contacting and labels! If you need to restock your labels, please consider purchasing them through Oz Labels, using the OLA fundraising code FRS1455. When you make an order, an impressive 25% of the value is donated back to OLA’s P&F. To make an order simply:

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at