How can you support your child through this next step?

Transitioning into school

Firstly it is important to state that you as a family are your child's most important support. It is very important to share with us as teachers the information you hold about your child's strengths, abilities, interests and challenges as we develop their Transition and Learning Development Statement. This will be shared with the school your child will attend next year.


Your child may feel a range of emotions as they embark on this next stage, it is important that you listen to your child's concerns and respond positively. Children will have many questions, we can all work together to answer them and to develop children's confidence and sense of security over this period.


In the school holiday break and over term four children can practice dressing themselves in the morning, packing their own bag and carrying it as they enter kinder. Make sure that your child is eating well, drinking plenty of water, getting enough rest and a good nights sleep and that they are having plenty of opportunities for active play, especially in outside environments. These things will all support them to be healthy and to learn effectively.

Here is a tip sheet for families with lots of practical ideas on how you can prepare your child for this next step especially over the summer holiday period.


There is also a 'Preparing my child for school during a pandemic' Webinar that is being offered to families with the very well respected Louis Dorrat, details below...


Starting school can be exciting and challenging. During a pandemic, these emotions may be heightened due to continual uncertainty for parents and children.


Families may be asking themselves;

§  What if my child has missed a lot of kinder?

§  What does school readiness mean?

§  What can I do to support my child?


Families of children transitioning to school in 2021 are invited to join us online for an informative session with guest speaker Louise Dorrat (Early Childhood Consultant).

This session will explore families questions and discuss how they can prepare for a smooth and positive transition to school.


Wednesday 23 September

5.00pm – 6.15pm 

Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 889 2525 3358

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Meeting ID: 889 2525 3358

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Transitioning from three year old to four year old kinder

During Term four you can support your child as they become more independent by: 

  • Practicing independent toileting, pulling up their pants, flushing and washing their hands effectively.
  • Discussing with your child what they will need for the day, and encouraging them to place these items into their bag. Encourage them to carry their own bag as they enter kinder.
  • Supporting them as they dress themselves.
  • Speaking to them positively about their new group and longer hours of the session. You may like to create a visual morning schedule for your child to use as they get used to their new routine.

Kinder 2021 orientation

In the last week of Term four we will hold an orientation session for 2021 enrollments. Children and their parents will spend time with their new teacher and educator and the other children who will be in their class. 


Parent Information Session-

In Term four we will hold an information session for families about kindergarten in 2021. We are waiting for confirmation from the Department of Education early next term about whether we will be able to hold this onsite or will need to use a virtual alternative.