Supporting children in Term Four

Let's reconnect and have some fun!

During term four we will be focusing on helping the children return to kinder. Whether they have been attending during the lockdown or returning after a long time at home, kinder will be very different for all of the children. They may need to settle back into the environment and routine or get used to being around a large group again.


In Term 2 all groups did a lot of work on emotions, identifying them and managing them. We anticipate some big emotions and social conflicts as the children negotiate play and the kinder environment and so we will continue this focus into Term 4.  We will be doing this by discussing our different emotions. Why we feel that way, how to solve our problems, how to help ourselves feel better and how to recognise and respond to others. These are all important life skills! 


We will have plenty of individual or small group activities set up in the room for those children who require some alone time or time with one or two friends. We will also be doing plenty of name games and songs to help us remember each other's names and develop or rekindle friendships. We will support children in learning the skills needed to work with other children and the skills needed to make and maintain friendships.


All of the educators are looking forward to the start of a new term and having our children back, they have been dearly missed.