Aspire News


What a big couple of weeks at school! The good news is that we've still managed to cram a lot of science learning into that time! Students have continued learning about Space and Earth Sciences and have had loads of fun learning about everything from how wind works to Newton's third law.


Foundation have continued their focus on the weather and have narrowed in to learn about the wind. Students have learnt that wind is moving air and had a ball testing their hypotheses with kites they made! Thankfully, we had a perfect sunny day and the kites flew high!


The Juniors have been learning about ways that water is wasted and conserved (learning lots of great vocabulary too) at school and at home. They have continued to develop their scientific understanding of the way water is an important part of Earth's environmental systems. If your child asks you to use the dishwasher only when it's full you'll know why. Hehe!


Middle School have been waiting for a couple of weeks to undertake their latest investigation, with the weather beating us on more than one occasion. We needed a sunny day to track a shadow from 9.00am to 3.00pm and chief scientists, Edward and Archer, did an amazing job in collecting the data throughout a sun-filled Tuesday! Next time we meet that data will be analysed - can't wait!


Senior School have continued learning about Earth's Place in Space and built some balloon rockets to learn about thrust and velocity. It sure looked like a lot of fun while important learning was taking place! And what a great way to continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the fist lunar landing.

Jane Seemann

Visual Arts

The students have been busy, as always, creating and using their imaginations. All levels have been working on projects of the 3D variety. Seniors on their Book Character sculptures, Middles on their Wire Trees, Juniors on their Sewing Bags and Foundation on their Very Hungry Caterpillar work. Watch out in coming weeks for these to be on display.


Our students continue to listen and speak in the Indonesian language. The language is incorporated into the tasks they are learning.


Thank you for your continues donations and support.


Kym Wallace

Physical Education

It was a windy Wednesday morning as the students arrived at Morrison Reserve at Mt Evelyn. The students were buzzing as they made their way down past the pavilion and grandstand, onto the grounds. They thoroughly enjoyed each other's company whilst patiently waiting between events. There was much success on and off the track. It was wonderful to see the students competing in their events and showing their sporting skills.  A big thanks to all who were involved in the organising of and running the day.

Ben Watson