Year 12 Biology

Year 12 Biology

The Year 12 biology students have been busy preparing for their first School Assessed Coursework (SAC).


In this SAC the students complete practical work and then answer structured questions where they link concepts that we have covered through the practical work.


Here they are hard at work!

The Biology teachers below, consulting with the Chemistry teachers for one of the Biology SAC practical's.

Year 11 Psychology

The Year 11 Psychology students have started the year by learning about the different research methods that are used in Psychology.


Since then the brain and nervous system have been our focus.  Below are some photos of the Year 11 Psych students in action; modelling stratified sampling using M&Ms and mapping out the nervous system.

Year 11 Biology

It’s been a buzz of excitement in Year 11 Biology this year.  The students have begun by studying different cell types and the teaching team (Ms Colyer and Miss Van Bakel) have been working together in each other’s classes to ensure students are supported during their learning.

Year 7 Science

Mr Newman's class, celebrating International Women's Day, Friday 8 March.

Kristy Bjarnelind

Head of Science