Student Engagement

Juri Ilves and SET team

ES Day 

A day to honour and recognise the extraordinary contribution Education Support staff make to public education. 


Every day, Education Support staff work to keep our schools running, support our students to learn and our teachers to teach. On 16 May each year we join unions across the world to celebrate hardworking Education Support Personnel (ESP).


Students this year celebrated ES Day by showing their appreciation and thanks by each filling a 'thank you card' to as many ES staff that support their educational experience here at JSA. This included their classroom ES staff, facilities/admin/ICT, kitchen and community engagement, therapy and wellbeing team. 


The SET team then made a display in the staff room of all of the thankyou cards. We hope this showed gratitude for your hard work and boost morale through out the day. 


Student Engagement Events for Term 2 

  • ANZAC day celebration
  • Pride Month 
  • Education Support (ES) Day 
  • Education Week
  • National Storytime
  • National Sorry Day 
  • NAIDOC Week
Stay tuned for updates on events.