A message from Emily
Principal – St John's Footscray
A message from Emily
Principal – St John's Footscray
Dear parents and carers
As the first term for 2023 comes to an end I have been reflecting on everything that has been achieved already this year. We kicked off with Family Chats and the Welcome Picnic, Mass at Our Lady's to mark the beginning of a new school year and Ash Wednesday, 5/6 went to Camp Campaspe Downs, 18 children in Year 3 celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we opened up the hubs for Prep 2024 School Tours, School Photos, NAPLAN, inter-school sports and district days, Catholic Education Week and Harmony Day, assemblies, prayer gatherings and learning exhibitions. What a wonderful term it has been but it's also no wonder why we are all feeling ready for school holidays.
In the last newsletter I put a call out to families for help redesigning the Innovation hub and library books. Five wonderful parents answered the call and together we moved the whole library last Tuesday. This meant Bess was able to then work her magic in setting up the Innovation hub. I have included some during and after photos. This would not have been possible without the help of Mercia and Dave (Charlie and Lawson, Prep), JC (Atlas, Prep), Efthamia (Evie, 1 Hub and Alec, 3 Hub) and Enny (Billie, 3 Hub). With their help we relocated the entire library to it's new home. Efthamia has also been back to start sifting through our books looking for books that have been damaged and making sure they are all in their correct location. This is a huge task and if this is something you'd like to support, Efthamia is planning on continuing next term on a Tuesday morning and I know she'd love some company.
It is with great pleasure that I share Chevon and Johnny's news on the safe arrival of Penelope Ava, a little sister to Georgie. Penelope arrived safely on Monday 3rd April. Both Chevon and Penelope are doing well.
On Tuesday 21st March Jayka and Mathew got married! Jayka and Mathew plan to start their married life by relocating to Vancouver, Canada later in the year. Congratulations to you both and we wish you a lifetime of happiness.
Today we had a very successful Sports Day organised by Abbey and supported by our Yr 6 Sports Captains. The children had a wonderful time and we congratulate Team Malachi for winning the most points. See below for photos from the day.
Children return to school for Term 2 on Wednesday 26th April
Monday 24th April : School Closure day. Staff will be onsite and the office open for normal school hours.
Tuesday 25th April : ANZAC Day public holiday
Wednesday 26th April : First day Term 2 and 9am ANZAC Liturgy
Thursday 27th April : Inform and Empower Parent Evening: Raising Kids in a Digital World Workshop at 7pm. Don't miss out on this opportunity.
Friday 28th April : Prayer Gathering led by the Village Leaders at 2:30pm
Please check important dates page for updates on upcoming events.
I will be participating in a Principal Spirituality Immersion Program in Week 2 of next term and will not be onsite between 1st - 5th May. The program will take place in Hobart, Tasmania with a focus on Sacred Land. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you on my return. Karen Dodemaide (Monday, Thursday, Friday) and Lauren Davis (Tuesday, Wednesday) will be in charge in my absence.
Good Friday marks the end of Lent and we move into the celebration of new life on Easter Sunday. I would like to wish each and everyone a wonderful and safe Easter and holiday break.
Warm wishes,