P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
Mother’s Day Raffle Tickets Due- Thursday 11th May
Mother’s Day Stall- Friday 12th September
Pizza Food Day- Wednesday 17th May
Major Parent Social Night-Masquerade Ball- Saturday 15th July
Our wonderful Grade 2 P&F Event Team, Natasha Kaing, Meg Callanan and Lisa Janes are currently finalising some great plans for our big parent event of the year to be held on the first weekend back in Term 3…. A Masquerade Ball!
Please save the date of Saturday 15th July for an evening of music, dancing and mystery! More details will be coming soon.
Shh..Look away Mums!
All children will be given a chance to shop for their mum or significant lady in their life at our annual Mother's Day Stall on Friday 12th May.
Our Mother’s Day Stall Coordinators Cate Pigeault and Jess Savoia have once again carefully selected a range of gifts for children to select from.
All children will need to bring $5 on Friday 12th May to purchase a special gift.
Keep your eye out Dads for details/reminder coming home in school bags!
Thanks very much to Cate and Jess who have once again organised this for us all.
They will need some helpers on that Friday morning from 8:50 to 10-30 to 11am.
If you can help, please sign up here- volunteersignup.org/XLBAR
Today in your child’s bag you should find some tickets for our annual Mother’s Day Raffle!
There are some great prizes to be won!
1st Prize: Yoga/Pilates Package - $115 -
Bahe Pilates Ring ($40);
Bahe Flow Reformer ($40) and Celsius Yoga Mat ($35) (Thanks to Rebel Sport)
2nd Prize: Pot and Plant from Mamo Home (Thanks to Alisha Weekes) - $100
3rd Prize: Voucher/Hamper from Milk n Wine Co Heathmont -
$100 (Thanks to Milk and Wine Co)
4th Prize: Endota Voucher - $50 (Thanks to Endota Spa, Forest Hill)
5th Prize: Under Armour Pink Gym Bag - $40
Each family will be sent home 5 tickets and they are $1 each. Please return in a named envelope marked Mother’s Day Raffle with payment inside. Tickets will be due next Thursday 11th May and the Raffle will be drawn at the Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Friday 12th September. Good Luck!
Thanks to Jason Barrie for organising some great prizes and to Clemi Kohombanwickremage for preparing and managing the tickets.
Our next Food Day will be on Wednesday 17th May and it will be Pizza! Thanks to Aquinas College Canteen for providing this for us. Flyers with links to order will be out later this week!
Auskick started last Saturday and what a sunny morning it was for our keen little footballers!
A big thanks to Kylie McMahon for coordinating the Auskick BBQ and for the assistance of Dan Savoia, Jess Savoia, Deanne Wingate and Maree Capponi.
Sausages were free last week for the first session but from this week are $3 each, with snacks and drinks $1 each. Our coordinators will need some helpers each week with set up, cooking, serving and pack up though there is sometime in between to watch your child participate. Here is the season roster from this week until mid August- volunteersignup.org/HRFJA
At this morning’s P&F meeting we discussed and decided that we needed to raise the prices of Lamingtons. While it is a canteen experience for the kids it is also a little fundraiser and with a significant price rise on the lamingtons (like just about everything else!) we are only just breaking even. So from FRIDAY 12TH MAY the price will be 3 lamington fingers for $1. 3 lamington fingers is equivalent to a full sized lamington. Thanks for your understanding
The roster for the term is here with some places still to fill if you'd like to help: volunteersignup.org/ACC9H
Thanks for your support,