Principal's Post

Dear Families,
I trust you were all able to enjoy a safe and happy Easter and a relaxing break, followed by celebrating ANZAC Day.
Molly Masters and approximately 12 St James students attended the Mitcham RSL ANZAC Day Dawn Service and laid a wreath in remembrance of those who have lost their lives serving our country. We also held a reverent memorial prayer service here at school on Wednesday. There were many flowers laid around our flagpole. Have a look at the Education in Faith page for a report on the ceremony.
Mothers Morning Tea Monday 15 May
We are inviting all mums and special friends to a morning tea from 8.30am onwards. This is an opportunity to catch up with other community members over a cuppa in the Community Centre. We will have a small presentation/prayer service at about 9.15am lead by some of our Year Six Leaders.
Learning Conferences Wrap Up
Thank you for the time and effort put into the partnership we share in educating your children. While our Mid and End of year reports provide information regarding students achieving the Victorian Government set Curriculum Standards, our Learning Conferences provide an opportunity to acknowledge student learning and achievement.
We have had a deliberate focus on further developing student agency and student voice in their learning. The three way Learning Conferences provide students with the opportunity to reflect on their personal learning and the goals they have set, in conjunction with their teachers. A crucial aspect to learning is the experience of success that the learner feels and articulating this success and the next steps (future goals) to their parents and teachers enables students to know that all adults are on the same page and are jointly supporting them.
About Real Life Child/Parent Family Sessions
This Wednesday evening here in the Reynolds Community Centre
Yr 3-4 session 6.30-7.30pm
Yr 5-6 session 7.45-8.45pm.
Please book via this Try Booking link
Holiday Works
Drop in the have a look at the work that was done over the holidays in the quadrangle. The colourful activities for students to use were purchased from funds raised by our wonderful P & F group.
Year Six Leaders Sustainability Initiatives
As of today, Monday May the 1st we will have a jar to recycle bread bag tags that will go to a factory where they make them into bowls. Those bowls will be sold and the money will go towards buying wheelchairs for people in poor countries (mainly South Africa) that are less fortunate.
Also, as of today, we will be starting an Officeworks recycling stationary program that will be located in the same places as the bread tags.
There will be a box with a poster saying what can and what can’t go in the box. Pens, felt tips, highlighter, markers, mechanical pencils, correction tape, liquid paper and fountain pens\ink cartridges can go in the box.
Stationary that can’t go in the box are glue sticks, rubbers, rulers, pencils, and sharp objects.
Marathon Club
Just a reminder that Marathon Club starts back on Wednesday 3rd May. If you have completed your Volunteer forms and would like to help out in the mornings please submit your details on the Operoo permission form with that option checked.
If you haven't paid Term 2 fees ($10 per child per term), please send it in to the office in an envelope marked Marathon Club, child's name & year level.
Scholastic Book Fair
It's nearly time again for our Scholastic Book Fair.
May 12 - 17th in the Resource Centre.
Keep an eye out for more information through Operoo
We have had a number of COVID cases in our year four level. Please make sure you to use Covid safe practices, notify the office/teacher if your child becomes positive and isolate for 5 days.
A reminder that we have a large supply of Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser and children's face masks available and a limited supply of RAT's, please feel free to come pick up from the office.
2023 Year 6 Students Enrolling in Government Schools for Year 7 2024
Please see the attached link/PDF for parents to download and complete the enrolment form for Year Six students who will be attending Government Secondary Schools such as Vermont Secondary College next year.
Year 7 Key Enrolment Dates for current Yr 5s
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2023 starting Year 7 in 2025
The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2023 who will be starting Year 7 in 2025 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).
The timeline of events and dates are as follows:
27th January 2023– Applications opened for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2025.
18th August 2023 – Applications will close.
20th October 2023 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.
10th November 2023 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.
Parents of Year 5 students in 2023, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.
Footy Tips Update
1st Place - Bomber Liam and Lovick Family 45 tips
2nd Place - Hutt Family and Jonesy 24 both on 44 tips
Other News/Dates
Tues 29 & Wed 30 August - School Concert Production at Crossways in East Burwood
Have a great week.