Faith & Mission

John Rhynehart - Director of Faith and Mission



On Good Friday, a couple of weeks ago, my family attend the Good Friday Liturgy at St. Paul, Apostle parish in Endeavour Hills.


After the reading of the Passion of Jesus, Fr Luke Bulley, C.P., delivered a homily which has stayed with me for some time, providing me with an opportunity to reflect not only on the Easter Mysteries but also our College theme:  Known and Loved.


Fr Luke’s homily provided us with a reflection of the great example of Jesus’ sacrificial love through his life, death and Resurrection. The homily was based on a child’s questions, why did Jesus die on the cross? And Luke’s subsequent answer, “because he loves us.”  While Fr Luke confessed that he felt the response inadequate, later reflection revealed that there could be no other answer.  While, initially, he felt it trite, it was in fact the whole mystery of God’s love and presence in our lives and his example of sacrificial love that is the Triumph of the Cross and the role we care called to play in our daily lives.


If the death and Resurrection of Jesus means anything at all to us, it is this:  we are called to be a sacrificial lover in our world:  loving all those we meet, all those we live with, work with and share life with.  It’s as simple and as difficult as that.


As we continue to journey through this Easter Season, let’s remind each other of the importance of living lives of sacrificial loving.  So that, like the innocent child’s question to Fr Luke, why?, we can respond confidently with  because we are known and loved.


Mr John Rhynehart

Director of Faith and Mission.