Secondary Community News 

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)

This term, the 7/8 students have been enjoying exploring our new Inquiry Unit- ‘Economics & Buisness’. Students have been exploring what the words ‘want’ and ‘needs’ means and what they look like.


As a part of our Inquiry Unit, we have held and run a 7/8 Market in the Courtyard. Students made one of five items to sell to their peers in the morning. Students made either a lolly bag, playdough, cloud dough, decorated cookies or popcorn. Once the items were made, 78A and 78B set up five different stalls to sell the items. Students enjoyed buying different items from their peers. 


We are excited to continue on with our Wednesday Market for the remainder of the term!

Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)




This week students from Yr. 9/10 opened our café-the Jackson X-press.  This activity is part of our World of Work program which gives students an opportunity to participate in a simulated business. Students from the Service Team set up our pop-up café at the back of our staffroom.  The production team prepared 30 delicious baked potatoes for our dine-in customers and take-away orders.  Students in the Marketing team, prepared feedback slips for customers and signage for the café. 



This week saw another 30+ orders, with eleven members of staff opting for the dine-in option.  The diners provide our students and in particular the service team with an opportunity to develop skills in customer service, table service, setting up the dining room and clearing up after service.  Members of the finance team deal with the financial transactions involved in running a business.



From top:  The Jackson X-press Café signage at back of the staff-room.  Clock-wise from left:  Riley setting tables; Tanya and other service team members preparing for service; Andrew and Ruqaiya from the Finance Team-“show me the money!”; Jessykah and Arvind apply finishing touches.  Below:  Our first customers: Kieran, Jodie, Eva, Aaron and Ian.  Feedback was fantastic!  Thank-you for supporting our project,





On Wednesday 12th of May, eight female students from Year 9/10 visited the Trade Fit Expo held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Docklands.  Our female students were accompanied by some of our VPC students and staff members Gabrielle and Vu.




This week students from Year 9/10 commenced our annual Intensive Swimming Program which this year is being held at the East Keilor Leisure Centre.  The Victorian State Government mandated thet all students in Years 9 and 10 be given the opportunity  to take part in a swimming program.  The program has kicked off well and students are enjoying their time in the water as the following photos attest.






On Friday the 5th and Friday the 12th of May all students in Years 9/10 were given the opportunity to take part in our Travel Education Program when they visited the Queen Victoria Market and Melbourne Central Shopping Centres.  The students experienced the chance of Train and Tram travel to and in the city.  The location enabled us to also link in with our World of Work Program by observing the operations of the market and Melbourne Central Traders.


Senior Secondary (VCAL/ASDAN)

What’s Happening In ASDAN?


In ASDAN this term we are learning to care for our minds and bodies. Students are working hard on projects based on personal care. We are learning to identify personal care items, where they are used and how to use them.

This week we started our shopping program. We are learning to read and locate items on a shopping list, navigate a grocery store and pay for items independently.

Some exciting news from one of our students…


My name is Angel Avarmoska from ASDAN A. I have been going to Coles every Thursday to do independent work experience. I love working. I stack shelves and organise stock. I love being independent and growing up. I am working towards getting my first part-time job. I would like to say thank you to Thana and Jo for helping me. 

Well one Angel.



Secondary Students of the Week


⚫ 7/8A - for Learning - Andre for the concentration and persistence he showed with completing some difficult puzzle tasks. He succeeded by trying hard and not giving up or getting frustrated. Well done!

⚫ 7/8B - for Learning - Tyler for practicing his spelling words and becoming more confident to spell high frequency words from memory. Well done!

⚫ 7/8C - For Learning - ALL 7/8C for having a fantastic start to Term 2.  Well done!

⚫7/8D - for Respect - Adeng for waiting her turn to share her brilliant ideas with the class. Well done!

⚫ 7/8E - for Learning - Josh trying his best in learning different addition facts and becoming better in solving addition problems. Well done!


⚫7/8A - For Responsibility - Nur for the fantastic efforts he has made with demonstrating responsible and co-operative behaviour over the last two weeks. Nur increased the amount of tasks he is completing, joined in more often and been communicating well without getting upset.

⚫7/8B - For Responsibility - Stewie for helping staff and visitors transition equipment into the staffroom in a responsible and respectful manner. Well done!

⚫7/8C - For Responsibility - Adam for the mature, helpful and enthusiastic way he joined in with less familiar students and a different teacher during a class split. He has set an excellent example of co-operative and polite manners to others.

⚫7/8D - For Learning - Weaver for listening to teacher instruction and trying his best with his learning tasks. Well done!

⚫7/8E - For Independence - Abhijot for getting familiar with the class routine and becoming more independent with daily task. Well done!