Student of the Week Awards

Presented 28/4/23

Maddox H. - 00M

This award is presented to Maddox for being a Foundation Super STAR! Maddox has had a very positive start to Term 2 and has been trying so hard to improve the formation of letters in his name and holding his pencil correctly. Keep up all the great work you are doing Maddox!

Frank W. - 1/2B

This award goes to Frank for a great start to term so far. Frank always creates a positive environment in the classroom with his great sense of humour and his can do attitude. Thank you Frank for being valued member of 1/2B!

Wil S. - 1/2C

This award goes to Wil for his wonderful work in PONT Maths this week. Wil has tried his best to use a range of strategies to solve different addition problems. He has displayed a positive attitude and has listened carefully to feedback. Great work Wil! Keep it up!

Cecilia A. - 1/2R

Congratulations Cecilia for completing 50 nights of reading and for developed a fantastic work ethic towards all learning tasks. Keep up the wonderful work!

Harmony C. - 3/4B

During our PONT Maths session, Harmony was able to clearly explain the strategies she chose to solve different worded problems. Well done Harmony! 

Burhan K. - 3/4S

This award goes to Burhan for the excellent start to Term 2. Last term Burhan worked hard on becoming more responsible for his own learning and it is wonderful to see he has started Term 2 with this positive approach to his learning. Keep up the great work, Burhan.

Mahi P. - 5/6B

Thank you for bringing maturity and focus to the Talk Money incursion this week Mahi. It was great to see you taking an interest in such an important topic by asking questions and clarifying your understanding. You’ll be the person all those other students go to for a loan! Keep up the great work Mahi.

Darcy W. - 5/6D

Congratulations Darcy for settling back into school so well this term. You have come back to school with such a confident attitude towards your learning. I know that this will be a really great term for you. Keep up the great work!

Keely R. - 5/6W

Lilly is a considerate and caring member of 5/6W who models the values of Harmony Week. She has a strong sense of empathy towards others and is welcoming to everyone. Her kind, caring and thoughtful nature is to be commended.

 Bella L.  - Performing Arts

Congratulations Bella. You’ve taken your ukulele skills to the next level. You can change comfortably between A minor, G, C and F, and you can play many songs using these chords. I also congratulate you on your excellent attitude and effort in Performing Arts lessons. Well done!

Emily S. - Visual Arts

This award goes to Emily for her effort and attention to detail when creating her fantastic, Loui Jover inspired painting of superb fairy wrens. By choosing to add the chicks to her painting Emily doubled her workload and worked diligently to complete her art within the time frame. Great work and effort Emily!