James Cowan-Clark
Year 9 Coordinator
Year 9 Camp
The Kinglake Year 9 camp was an amazing experience for our students.
The students were involved in a number of different activities to help build their confidence, teamwork and leadership skills. Students participated in activities such as high ropes course, bush walking and team building challenges.
Even though the weather was cold and wet our students pushed through and demonstrated great resilience.
The camp was a huge success and has helped set the students up for a very successful finish to 2022. Thank you to all students and staff, in particular, Ms Phillipps, Ms Travers, Ms Melican, Mr Lamond and Mr Goode, on a great adventure.
Instead of positive green entries on Compass for this email I would like to acknowledge different achievers for this newsletter. We recently released the first progress reports for Term 3. Below is a list of students who during that reporting cycle displayed exceptional commitment to their studies and their conduct in all of their classes. They managed to achieve an average score of 3.9 or above across all of their classes which is extraordinary, considering this is out of a possible score of 4. Well done to you all and keep up the inspiring work!
Year 9
Name | HG | Score |
Shaan Ravinthira | 9C | 4 |
Samual Bolton | 9C | 4 |
Gloria Baraka | 9D | 4 |
Dean Smilevski | 9A | 3.96 |
Claudia Katny | 9D | 3.95 |
Year 10
Name | HG | Score |
Nivetha Ranjithkumar | 10C | 4 |
Beh Meh | 10D | 4 |
Pray Meh | 10D | 3.97 |
Jaida Cunningham | 10F | 3.93 |
Rhianydid Mainwaring | 10G | 3.93 |