REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Over the past few weeks, we have celebrated our Solemnity of Saint Mary MacKillop and The Assumption of Mary into Heaven. Saint Mary MacKillop, Australia’s only Saint, was the founding member of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. 


As a St Joseph’s School, we hold this important feast sacred and encourage all of our learners to ‘never see a need without doing something about it’. 


During these Masses, our students have been learning the responses we say during each part of the Mass to help us to learn the traditions and practices of the Catholic Church. The responses include the Penitential Rite, Apostle’s Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer. Some of our Year 4 students are also learning to Altar Serve during our Masses. 


Our Year 3 and 4 students will participate in the Sacrament of the Eucharist (First Holy Communion) on Sunday 11th September. 


We would like to keep the following students in our prayers as they prepare to complete their Sacrament: 


Lincoln Baird, Edward Carolan, Oliver Tufui-Smith, Ebonie Hatton, Quinn Towns, Theodore Russell, Ava Hall, Sophia Woolcock and Campbell Collett. 


We look forward to celebrating this Sacrament together at Mass.


Yours in faith,


Karlee Hatton

Religious Education Coordinator


St Andrew's Parish Bulletin 28/8

Please find the St Andrew's Parish Bulletin attached for this Sunday, 28 August.