Faith & Mission Report

Danny Franc

“Never see a need without doing something about it.” – Saint Mary MacKillop


Our Year 11 Retreat at Halls Gap at the end of July was a successful and fulfilling experience for all involved. The students spoke fondly of friends and family who mean so much to them, as well as learning about leadership traits and also building on relationships across the cohort.

These student retreat programs are an important part of our formation at Monivae College and would not be possible if it wasn’t for the time and effort put in by the staff who made the 3 days a success, particularly the Year 11 homeroom teachers.

August meant a busy month of celebrations. August 8th was the Feast Day of St Mary MacKillop, a woman, an Australian who was passionate about helping others.


August 15th and 16th saw our Year 10 and Year 9 cohorts participate in their Reflection Days in Dunkeld.  These were  facilitated by the Youth Missions Team from Melbourne.

The YMT looked at the themes of “Life Choices” and “Social Justice”, and enthusiastically demonstrated the Catholic perspective of both these themes. 

Year 10 Students participating in a performance on Year 10 Reflection Day
Year 9 students participating in reflection day activities
Year 10 Students participating in a performance on Year 10 Reflection Day
Year 9 students participating in reflection day activities

August 17th and 19th saw some of the newer Monivae staff continue with their own staff formation. A regular occurrence at Monivae are our visits by The Chevalier Institute. Formation of staff helps Monivae keep the MSC ethos alive and strong within our school community.  This helps the staff continue to share the message with students when they return to their day-to-day duties.


August 17th also saw each Homeroom participate in a Liturgy celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, which is normally celebrated on the 15th of August. Each Homeroom had students and staff participate in a small Liturgy which helped us see the importance of “Our Lady of the Sacred Heart”.


All Homerooms also began the preparation for our annual Mission Fair Day which will be held on the last day of Term. Homerooms come up with activities to facilitate on the “Fair” part of the day.   This day is designed to raise funds that go directly to our Missions of choice, in particular, the MSC Missions Office. As Mission Fair Day has not occurred since “pre-Covid” days, it is a good opportunity for each Homeroom to get excited, purchase raffle tickets, provide goods, participate in activities, raise spirits, and also raise funds.


Upcoming Events:                                                                                                                         

  • Tuesday 23rd August – Uniting Church lunch
  • Friday 16th September – Mission Fair Day

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.


Danny Franc

Director of Faith and Mission