News and Notices
From the Principal
First of all thank you for being so willing to collect your children last Friday. We work very hard to keep the school open and teachers combine classes and work all sorts of magic so this can happen. However, there are times when we cannot get relievers to help and we do not have enough teachers onsite, and so have no option but to close the school.
There is a wonderful buzz around school as we get stuck into production. Anyone who comes into school at the end of the day will have heard the children singing some catchy little numbers.
We took two teams of children to the inter-school rippa event which was a huge success. I love it when the children come back to school tired and happy, knowing they have done their best.
Board Elections 2022
Parent Election Results Declaration
At the close of nominations as the number of valid nominations was equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, I hereby declare the following to be duly elected:
- Elizabeth Mary de Kort
- Derek Manning Morrow
- Lisa McLachlan
- Anna Boardman
Kalene Meumann
(Returning Officer)
Staff Election Results Declaration
At the close of nominations, as there was only one valid nomination received, I hereby declare the following duly elected:
- Katrina Hart
Kalene Meumann
(Returning Officer)
Production 2022
Rehearsals are well underway and roles have been allocated. It is still our intention to go ahead with shows on 27, 28 and 29 September.
We request that each child (except the main roles) has a black t-shirt and black leggings or long pants as the base of his or her costume.
We are also going to ask each family to provide cupcakes for one of the shows that we can sell to our audience.
A huge thank you to the Board of Trustees that approved the purchase of 25 chromebooks. This means that there is a device for every child at school to use.
This would be a good time to remind your children that the devices need to be treated carefully and that they are to be used for school purposes only. Anyone who is found messing around on the devices, going to inappropriate sites, or downloading games etc. onto the chromebooks, will have their privileges revoked until they can prove they they are able to be responsible.
Teacher-only Day
We have our teacher-only day on Friday 9 September. School will be closed on this day while the staff does training.
Student-led Conferences
Our student-led conferences will be held on Thursday 8 September. School will close at 1pm on this day. This is an opportunity for our students to share their learning and achievements with you. A booking form will be emailed to you.
There is still both COVID and other illnesses doing the rounds at school. We will therefore be extending our mask wearing to the end of Week 6.
Period Supplies
A couple of our older girls have started their period somewhat unexpectedly. This might be a good time to make sure your child is prepared for what is going to happen. Please also make sure that your child knows that Kalene has supplies in the office. She has daughters of her own and will help your daughter in a sensitive, but matter of fact way.
If your child is sick...
Thank you to everyone. You are all being very understanding about the need to keep your child at home if he or she is sick.
Advice received from the Ministry of Education states that children may return to school:
- 24 hours after they are symptom free if they have colds or flu
- 48 hours after they are symptom free if the have diarrhoea or vomiting
Please note that you need to contact the school every day that your child is away as we cannot just assume that your child is still sick.
Headlice and Nits
We have a couple of children with headlice/nits in the school. Please can you check your child and treat if necessary. It is also a good idea for those children with longer hair to keep their hair tied up.
Emergency Plan
As a school we need to plan for and practise what we would do in different emergency situations. We recently practised our lockdown drill and are able to get the whole school safe and locked down in about three minutes.
I am busy finalising where we would go if we had to leave the school premises for some reason or if there was a tsunami threat. I will notify you when this is sorted.
It is extremely important that you keep the school up to date with your address, phone numbers and people who we can contact if we cannot get hold of you. It is also important that you update us if your child's medical needs change.
Yummy Stickers
We are fast approaching September when we submit our Yummy Stickers so that we can get an allocation of sports equipment for the children to play with. Please get your sheets in by 15 September. Kalene has sheets available in the office.
Price of pizza
Please note that the price of pizza has increased, so we have increased our price as well. It is now $1.70 per slice.
School Uniform
We are still having a number of children not wearing school uniform to school. We really do try and make our uniform simple and as cost effective as possible. If you are not able to afford the uniform, then please send me an email and I can discretely organise uniform for your child.
Paint for our Murals
I am still looking for test pots or leftover paint for our murals - particularly bright or unusual colours. I will happily take your leftovers to use.
Drink Bottles
We still have a number of children who are not bringing their water bottle to school. Please can you check that they pack it and bring it with them.
Bell Times
School starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3pm. Please could you make sure that your child is on school property by 8.55am as this is when they find out what they need to do for the day.
Old Mobile Phones and iPads
Do you have an old phone that you no longer use and would be happy to wipe clean and donate to the school? We are able to connect the phones to our internet and the children can then use them to take photos of their work or use some of the educational apps that are available.
New Telephone Number
Our new telephone number is 027 593 5963.