Christmas in July

Lynda Hudson

As has become a tradition in Loreto, the House Leaders set up another fundraiser this year for their annual Christmas in July event. The leaders wanted to raise funds for Tassie Mums, a small organisation that supports children in need in Tasmania. 


The Primary Loreto Leaders also ran a Colouring Competition which saw a great number of students join together and colour in their favourite Christmas page, with some wonderful creations. 


Thank you to the community for your support in this event. It was wonderful to see the House virtues of Compassion, Justice and Mercy in action across the school and the funds raised will certainly assist many in the wider Tasmanian community. 


Raffle Prize Winners

Staff RaffleCollege Community RaffleColouring Competition Prize Winners

1st place: 

Deb Arnett

1st place:

Jess Bloor


Olive Harris and Lily Gatehouse

2nd place:

Hedwig Hill

2nd place:

Ruby Turner and 

Dr James

Year 1: 

Leila Mahmoud

Runners Up:

Petra Dennis and Imogen Gray

3rd place:

Aysha Lloyd

Year 2:

Mannsimar Singh


Runners Up:

Lushana van Staden, Emma Kirrane, 

Island Palmer, Selena Nguyen, 

Matilda Hall, Meg Butler

and Sienna Winter

Grade 3- Aagya Silwal

Year 4: 

Isabella Calabrese


Year 6:

Ella Gordon