Positive Education
Melanie Sluyters
Positive Education
Melanie Sluyters
Building our Wellbeing
Through explicit teaching of wellbeing, students' growth is evident in the manner in which they approach tasks using a positive or benefit mindset. They flourish in their learning journey, develop resilient behaviors to tackle all that comes before them and acquire skills and confidence in speaking about their own mental health.
As a College we promote the ideals and values of positive education to develop one's strategies around wellbeing. As mentioned on many occasions our focus takes the form of a number of different programs throughout the whole school. What is unique and special is that as a whole school (Kinder - Year 10) we use our Thursday mornings to support our students wellbeing through rich curriculum program delivery.
In the Primary, this focus is through the URSTRONG program (Years 1 - 6) and teachpeec (Kinder and Prep). The URSTRONG program works on developing students' friendship skills, embracing kindness and assisting our students in navigating such things as ‘friendships fires’. Empowering students to work through their own friendship issues (with guidance if required) encourages strong relationships, independent problem solvers and resilient learners. Using the teachpeec for our Kinder and Prep students allows the exploration of PERMAH through a ‘deep dive’ into different modules such as kindness, empathy, forgiveness and physical wellbeing.
On a Thursday morning our wellbeing time in the Primary is an integral part of our teaching and learning - much like in the secondary. You will more often than not find our Kinder - Year 6 classes making sense of everything from developing an inner ninja, exploring friendship facts, to working on how to be kind and strong.
Below are some candid quotes from some of our Year 3 students about their work using the URSTRONG program:
I liked URSTRONG because you got to learn about friendship fires and how to resolve them.
Olive Hall.
I like how it's fun and interesting.
Milli Wedd.
I like URSTRONG because you know how to solve your friendship fires without going to a teacher or RRR leader.
Chloe Ponder.
I like URSTRONG because it helped me figure out lots of tricky situations.
Mia Halliday.
I like URSTRONG because it teaches us about lots of different friendships for example a healthy one and an unhealthy one.
Elsie Wearne.
I like URSTRONG because they have really good ways of teaching us, like acting out scenarios.
Christelle Ghanam.
I like URSTRONG because you learn different strategies to make friends.
Maddi Docking.
I like URSTRONG because it is really encouraging when you have a friendship fire and you can work it out yourself.
Amaya Johnston.