Who's Who in the Primary?

So who is in the Primary School?
Over the year we have been introducing you, our parent community, to our staff giving you a little glimpse into what makes us tick. This fortnight’s The View we would like to introduce you to our talented music teacher, Ms Dorothy Lincoln.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is Pink.
What is your favourite movie/song/book?
There are many movies I like, but a favourite of my childhood was The Sound of Music.
I have many favourite songs from many different genres but one that comes to mind is Oh Mio Babbino Caro (Oh! My Beloved Daddy) by Puccini.
Again, naming a favourite book is difficult as each novel takes you to a different world with different stories and emotions and I like them for different reasons. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, in which the heroine learns the perils of making assumptions and jumping to conclusions is one I enjoyed.
Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury person?
Roasted vegetables would be an all-time favourite but I do have a sweet tooth.
How do you relax and unwind?
Listening to and playing music, going for a walk, doing crosswords and craft.
When was the last time you smiled or had a big belly laugh?
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Seeing the ballet in Melbourne.
Anything else you think you need to name up?
There have been many events at over the years but there is one that I will never forget. During a Primary Instrumental Group session, I saw smoke followed by flames coming from an amplifier! There were ten astonished faces looking at me dashing frantically to turn the power off. It was one of the hottest rehearsals we ever had!