Fearless Festival
Petra Dennis
Fearless Festival
Petra Dennis
Careers Expo
Last week, our Year 9 and 10 students were invited to attend the 2022 Fearless Festival. This was a career education expo hosted by Wrest Point Casino, where students had the opportunity to gain knowledge about a range of diverse career options. The focus of the expo was to break gender stereotypes and explore all the opportunities available to them in their future world of work. It involved walking around the different stalls and talking to female professionals from male dominated fields. There were a range of people to meet and chat with from various industries that were of interest and a chance to explore occupations that may not have been on the radar.
There was the chance to experience some of the aspects of these jobs, from sitting in an Army vehicle, being lifted to dizzy heights on the TasNetwork crane, powering a boat around Sydney Harbour using virtual reality, opening the airways of a hospital practice dummy, using power tools, mimicking saving a whale, as well as acquiring some great freebies.
The Expo was an amazing opportunity and many were inspired by what they learnt.
Emily Pizzoni – Year 9
Selected Year 10 students from both the VET Hospitality and the 9/10 Elective Food Studies class were lucky to participate in a 2-day Masterclass as an opportunity to gain Industry experience.
Chef Kate briefed the students on her career story and then over the 2 days guided the girls through the process of creating a variety of savoury and sweet dishes.
The “hands on” experience was invaluable in allowing the girls to understand what happens in the “kitchen” at a restaurant. The girls were appreciative of this experience and have developed some important skills.