Deputy Principal's 

Report - Years 8, 10, 12

Farewell and all the best Year 12 

Congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone, as such fantastic ambassadors for our school, your families and as individuals. Ms McLennan and I have been constantly complemented by all staff regarding what a wonderful cohort you are throughout your six years at Henry Kendall High School. 


I have always enjoyed reading your reports, but the last ones have been extremely special. As I read your individual subject comments, there was a constant flow of beautiful adjectives to describe each one of you: honourable, exemplary, outstanding, passionate, conscientious, hardworking, kind, and delightful. All standards that are at the forefront of our school values and what we expect of our students. Your teachers are sending you off into the world with heart-felt messages of success and thanks for your contributions to our school. 

You should always be proud to say that you attended a public high school, and this has helped to make you the person you are today. 


As we will always remember the contributions that you have made to our school. In particular we need to acknowledge the amazing leadership shown by your Student Leaders, what a team: Joshua, Arabella, Charley, Annabel, Tamika and Mackenzie. Jade and Harrison have led the team in such a supportive manner representing you and the school on many occasions with dignity, class and at times humour. I would like to also take the time to personally thank them for all the things that they have happily helped me with throughout their senior years. They have always been willing to give up their time to serve the school and community. I will miss them both! 

Charles Dicken’s wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness”, that it has been, Year 12. You have worked through your difficult Senior Years with a historically unprecedented period of lock downs, working from home and generally a sense of unease for us all. Yet you have all come back to school and settled into your routines and most importantly worked hard while at home to maintain your content knowledge and relationships with your teachers. Well done!


There has also been lots of best times and they have continued right through the last six years. Ms McLennan and I have lots of highlights, personally I have thoroughly enjoyed my time teaching Year 12 English. Being in a classroom is by far the greatest part of my job and I have really appreciated the class and their never-failing attention 😊 and appreciation of my Band 6 responses. It would be remise of me not to mention our class’s sense of humour and their great acting skills when they performed for the Deputy Conference video. They have been at all times a great group of students and I will really miss our time together. 

As a cohort, you have all flourished academically, each of you working to improve your skills and knowledge in all areas. Most importantly, you have grown in wisdom, the acknowledgement of kindness, respect, gratitude and perseverance as values synonymous with you all. 


As your Deputy, there has been, many occasions when teachers have reflected on what a wonderful group you are and what a pleasure it has been to teach and work with you. The development of a well-rounded individual is indeed a community effort, and one important member of your community has been Cassandra McLennan. 


As your Year Adviser, Cass McLennan has been your advocate for all elements of your high school lives.  I would like to publicly thank Cass for her dedication to this important role, as she has made a difference to many young lives through her compassion and consideration of others. 


As you make your pathway into the Brave New World of adulthood remember that it certainly is an “age of foolishness”, always be true to yourselves and the values you have learnt along the way. I am confident that you will all make a success of whatever you put your minds to. Remember you have been equipped with a wonderful Public Education use your knowledge wisely. 


I will miss you all! 


Celebration of our SRC 2023 Representatives and thanks to our student leaders for 2022. 

Natalie Wearne

Deputy Principal