Latest News 

and Reminders

Important Dates

School Holidays

Week One:

Tuesday 20th September - School Holiday Program - The Glen


Week Two:

Monday 26th - Friday 30th September - Unit 3/4 Trial Exams


Term 4

Monday 3rd October - 1st day of Term


Tuesday 4th October

School Magazine Photos

SCSA Table Tennis @ MSAC

Year 7 & 8 VCD Incursion P1-4

Year 11 VET LAB Skills P3&4 Incursion- West Lab

Year 8 AG & FS P1&2 PE- Springvale Indoor sports (JCA & ES)


Wednesday  5th October 

Year LAB Skills P1&2 Incursion- Fizzics Education


Friday 7th October

Student Leaders' Lunch

Year 7 Immunisation Visit 2- HPV Dose 2...P1&2