Level 1

What a fantastic time we had celebrating Book Week 2022! The Book Parade Assembly was so much fun and we also loved spending time with our Buddy classes. Everyone’s costumes were fabulous and it was wonderful to spend the day immersed in the world of books! 

Back in the classroom, we have continued using the Retell Rope to help us summarise a story and identify characters, setting, problem, main events and ending. The children even made their own Retell Ropes! We have also been focusing on Author’s Purpose and thinking about the different reasons that authors write books. To do this, we reflect on whether a book has been written to persuade, inform or entertain.  

During Writing, the children completed their Information Reports on dinosaurs, working hard to present factual information in paragraphs. The children did a fabulous job planning, writing and illustrating their reports. Last week, we started on a new writing genre – Procedures! We have been discussing recipes, instructions and directions, highlighting the importance of the order in which procedures are followed. We look forward to exploring this genre over the coming weeks. 


In Maths, we investigated the features of 3D shapes and had fun making them too! We discussed the mathematical language of 3D shapes such as faces, edges and vertices. Last week we had fun with division, playing lots of sharing games. We discussed how we share equally and that sometimes there may be leftovers. 

During Inquiry, we have been demonstrating our growing knowledge of dinosaurs, their features and their habitats. We are looking forward to creating our dioramas and sharing them with our classmates for Show and Tell towards the end of Term 3.

Last week we all wished Mrs Gordon the best of luck as she headed off to prepare for the arrival of her precious baby. We are very excited for Mrs Gordon and her family and we will miss her very much!  


The Level 1 Team 

Nicole Robertson & Megan Taylor (1R), Rebecca Gordon & Kyla Petrilli (1GP), Danielle Anderson (1A) and Rebecca McJannet (1M)