College Events

The Show Must Go On!

Book Week - Student Report

Over this past week (23 to 26 of August), EDSC celebrated CBCA Book Week 2022, with various fun daily activities and challenges. This included a book character dress-up day on Tuesday, where costumes got voted and four voucher prizes were awarded. I really enjoyed putting my creativity into my outfit and seeing the unique and innovative outfits of other students. Through to Friday, a “Mystery Readers” hunt took place, where we had to find staff in secret locations around campus and record the books they were reading, as well as decoding a Google Eye Anagram puzzle in the library. I saw students of every year level join in with enthusiasm and it was heaps of fun! 


With the book week theme being “Dreaming with eyes open”, the money raised from the out-of-uniform day went towards the Indigenous Literacy Foundation which is a national charity that aids Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children living in remote Australia. The money will provide these children with access to learning and education tools. This includes early learning board books, resources, and programs to support Communities to create and publish their stories in languages of their choice. 


Overall, it has been a great week full of fun!


Written by Haim K - Year 10

Cancer Awareness - Student Report

On Tuesday 9 August EDSC held a free dress day in support of both the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the Australian Skin Cancer Foundation.


On this day students and staff dressed in yellow and pink clothing to show their support to each charity. It was a fun and exciting day that allowed us to give back to the community and contribute to funding vital research. 

With the support of the school community, we were able to donate $1,355 between the two foundations.

Written by Harris K

School Captain

MUNA - Student Report

On 20 August, we attended the 2022 Model United Nations Assembly, sponsored and run by the Rotary Club. We were tasked with representing the country of Japan in debates over 3 important resolutions for humanity.  To represent Japan, we wore traditional kimonos to MUNA to represent our country. There were over 20 countries represented by different schools in two local districts including Russia, China, America and Ukraine.


The first resolution we discussed was on the topic of climate change and ways to prevent and negate its effects. All the delegations presented a short speech with their country's views on the issue and then a vote was held to implement the proposed resolution. All but a few countries, such as Nigeria, voted affirmative to obliterate climate change. 


Afterwards, we took a short recess where muffins were wonderfully plated for our enjoyment. We took the opportunity to discuss and negotiate with other delegates on their views on the following resolution: violence against women and girls. We returned to the assembly room to once again debate each country position on the topic.


During lunchtime we liaised with America to discuss our relationship with space governance, which would be the next resolution we would debate. During this debate, many countries took the opportunity to heavily and aggressively criticise Russia's stance that aliens exist, and we need to destroy them. As the conversation continued, Haiti proposed a treaty between major economic powers and smaller countries, so that they could be economically supported to face the issues we were debating.


Finally, we held a vote about space governance, and afterwards an awards ceremony was held. Awards were presented for best overall delegation, people's choice delegation, and best dressed which we should have won.


Despite this, we enjoyed the free food and candy that we were provided, and also getting the opportunity to democratically discuss modern global issues and learning about how countries stand on them. 

Written by Rose F - Year 11

Year 11 Ski Camp - Student Report

From 14-19 of August the Year 11s went to Bright to Ski at Mt Hotham and Falls Creek. We woke up every day around 6.30am to prepare for a big day of skiing. Each day we would take the bus to Mt Hotham and then later in the week Falls creek. We were put into groups that suited our abilities and for the first three days took skiing lessons to increase our abilities. These lessons were taught by instructors at Mt Hotham, and allowed us to gain confidence on the mountain. We were split up between the Bright Chalet and the Riverbank Motel. I would personally say the best things were staying in a cabin with your friends and free skiing, and the worst thing was probably the long bus rides from the mountain to the motel. I really enjoyed the overall vibe of the camp too. On most of the nights there were certain activities such as a trivia night, and then an awards night.

Written by Davinia F - Year 11