
Mr David Murphy
Year 12
Only a couple of weeks until final revision starts!
Time to look for that extra gear!
Just give it your best shot; don’t let yourself have regrets.
Year 11 Presentation Ball
Preparations are well under way for the annual Year 11 Presentation Ball. Dance lessons are almost complete, and students are to be congratulated on their attitude and application in lessons.
Ball participants are reminded that they must be at The Hyatt, Essendon Fields no later than 4:00pm on Saturday 27 August (The day of the Ball). They may arrive earlier than this, but must be there by 4:00pm to allow time for photos and a final run-through of the presentation and dance routines.
I would also like to ask parents and family attending the Ball to arrive punctually. As we are presenting 3 dance groups this year, it is important that all guests are seated by 7:00pm to allow the formal part of the evening to run to time.