
Ms Jacquelyne Armstrong
2023 Electives
Our Dunhelen students have now selected their electives for 2023. I do hope they discussed their choices with you and that the choices they made reflect their interests and passions. The electives are not prerequisites for further study. Please note that if students change their mind next year, we are often unable to change their electives due to timetable constraints and electives already being full. Students have been reminded of this, so I do hope they have chosen wisely.
Year 8 City Experience
The Year 8 students will be enjoying two days out in the city next week.
8F, 8H and 8J will be in the city on Monday 22 August and Tuesday 23 August and 8O, 8P and 8S will be visiting on Thursday 25 August and Friday 26 August. The students will be required to make their way in and out of the city and will visit various sites using public transport in their groups. Teachers are located throughout the city and are contactable on mobile phones. It is an exciting and well-liked excursion which allows a controlled and safe way for our students to take on some independence knowing we are right there if needed. I am sure the students will have a wonderful time.
Mobile Phones
A reminder that students seen with mobile phones (whether they are using them or not) between the hours of 8.45am and 3.15pm will have them confiscated for the day. Parents should ring through to Dunhelen Administration (9333 9225) if there is a message that needs to be passed on. Students can go to their homeroom teacher, Head of School or an Assistant Head of School if they really need to contact home. Students who feel ill must present to First Aid and parents will be called by staff.
Study Guru
Over the years we have called it many things, but this semester Study Guru is happening. Students are invited to attend lunch sessions in the Year 7 Precinct to get help with school and assessment work. Different teachers will be there each week.
Year 7 Social - Wednesday 7 September
The planning for the Year 7 Social is well underway. Students are reminded to purchase their ticket ($5.00) from their Homeroom Teacher. The social will commence at 6.00pm in the Senior School Building (CR2). Proceeds from the night will be donated to the Royal Children's Hospital.