Assistant Principal (Learning)

Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to all parents who attended this term’s Parent Teacher Interviews. I hope the meetings were productive and that you have some ideas about how to continue to support your child’s learning. Please feel free to contact teachers at any time through the year if you have any questions or concerns.
2023 Subject selections
Thank you also to parents of students currently in Years 7 to 11, for the part you played in helping with 2023 subject selections. Students in Years 7 to 11 will be given confirmation via their Homeroom Teacher during Term 4 about what their 2023 subjects will be, in time for resource lists to be completed. We spend a lot of time building a timetable that provides access to the preferred subjects for as many students as possible. In the very small number of cases where a student’s subject choices cannot be accommodated, the relevant Head of School will discuss the available options with the student and their parents.
Parent Satisfaction Survey
The 2022 LEAD Parent Satisfaction Survey closes on Friday 26 August. I will send a final email reminder to parents with the link to the survey on Monday 22 August. Thank you very much to everyone who has taken the time to complete the survey; it is very much appreciated.
Ms Kerri Batch
Assistant Principal (Learning)