Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
COVID safety - Masks and RAT kits
Students continue to be encouraged to wear masks indoors and many are choosing to do so. They may collect a mask from their Homeroom teacher or First Aid if needed. Students can request a RAT kit from their school Administration office or Reception. Fairview parents are welcome to collect a kit from Reception.
Student wardrobe update
Updates have been made to the Student Wardrobe Policy; it can be found in My Aitken and on the Aitken College website. In particular, girls may now wear either tights or short/long navy socks with winter uniform.
Parenting educator Michel Grose is presenting a webinar titled “Changing parenting gears for the teenage years” on Wednesday 31 August at 8.00pm. There is no charge for Aitken parents. See the flyer attached here.