
Year 10 and 11 Students
Subjects and programs for next year should now have been entered into the web preferences portal. We hope students will be happy with their choices and experience success in 2023.
Year 12 Students
Careers Pathways Post Aitken interviews for Year 12 students have commenced. Students, please remember to bring your USI to your appointment if you are planning to make a VTAC application. We are very lucky to have Ms Jocelyn Kurrle assisting us with the Year 12 interviews this year. Jos is a very experienced Careers Practitioner from our local Careers network. Some of our Year 12 students will meet her over the remaining weeks in this term. The VTAC Information evening held on 8 August was very well attended and we are most appreciative of all who logged in to the Zoom event.
Open Days
These have been occurring over the last few weekends and will continue until the end of the month. We strongly believe there is no substitute for actually getting onto a campus and feeling the vibe through your skin. Open Days allow students the opportunity to explore tertiary campuses, investigate courses of interest and ask questions of academic staff and current students whilst having fun.
Keep your eyes open also for virtual opportunities which may include Experience Days and information webinars. You can sign up to be on the emailing distribution lists for tertiary institutions which are of interest to you and that will ensure you don’t miss out on hearing about these events.
Career News 12
Career News Issue 12 is now available and includes information about:
- The new Bachelor Cognitive Enterprise at Federation University
- The new Bachelor Criminal Justice Management at Federation University
- Changes to studying Medicine at the University of Tasmania
- The new Bachelor Applied Innovation at Swinburne University
- New majors in Computer Science at Swinburne University
- Exercise and Sport Science degrees in Victoria
- A snapshot of the University of Tasmania
- The Masters Institute Summer School Holiday Workshop program
- ‘Set to Study’ sessions offered by RMIT
- RMIT Flight Training and Aviation Open Days
- Tech and Trade experience day at RMIT
- Free Music Workshops at Box Hill TAFE
- Experience ADFA – Virtual Open Day
- Rural Cohorts in the Monash Medicine program explained
- Nutrition and Dietetics degrees in Victoria
- 2023 ATO School Leaver Employment Program
and more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2022 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email:
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors