A Spotlight on Learning
A word from the Learning Specialists…
An update on all things SRC!
Learning Community sports bags - full steam ahead!
Our Semester 2 SRC members have hit the ground running as new leaders within our school. This term, their first initiative was to identify how play times can be enhanced for students. The SRC brainstormed many ideas for how this can be achieved but ended up narrowing it down to one – students having access to sports equipment!
First, our SRC got to work by gathering student data. SRC members asked every student if they would like access to sports equipment during play times. There wouldn’t be any point in getting sports equipment if it wasn’t going to be used, right? The results were overwhelming – it was a huge YES from our students!
So with this information, our SRC members got straight to work. They brainstormed a range of sporting equipment they believed their peers to enjoy using, then developed a voting slip with a visual of each piece of equipment (see image below). Next, SRC members facilitated student voting in Learning Communities, where students were able to vote for 3 pieces of equipment, they would like to use during play times.
Lastly, the SRC collated and analysed the data. They tallied up the student votes for every year level, to identify which equipment was the most popular. This process allowed our students to ensure that the type of equipment made available will be used and enjoyed.
We are happy to report the Learning Community Sports Bags will be made available for students to enjoy at the beginning of Term 4! Each sports bag will have equipment which is unique to each cohort.