

On Wednesday 13th March the year 10 Futures class attended a presentation on tips and tricks in applying for jobs. The presenter, Gary Brittle from Apprenticeship Matters, spoke about the importance in preparing for the job interview which included things like researching the company, making sure that email accounts were appropriate and not like “”. He also stated that 70% of employers checked candidates’ social media prior to asking them in for an interview, so he stressed the importance of making sure students did not post comments or photos that would compromise their opportunities.

Gary stated that having a targeted cover letter and resume as well as practicing common interview questions were important steps in getting an interview and winning that job. During the interview it was important to be confident, have good eye contact with the interviewer and positive body language, that is, sell yourself without saying a thing!

Over the next coming weeks, during Futures classes, year 10s will be skilled up on how to prepare a cover letter, resume and how to answer common interview questions. Together with expanding on some of the points Gary Brittle spoke about today, students will be asked to apply from a list of jobs presented to them and attend a Mock Interview on 3rd April.

The Mock Interview program aims to build lifelong skills which can be drawn upon when students start applying for part-time jobs or when they are going for their ‘dream job’ after finishing their education.

Voula Jakubicki

Careers Coordinator