Veritas - From the APRIM
Veritas – From the APRIM
Mary, Mother of God and Mothers’ Day
May is the month of Mary and the month for Mothers’ Day. Mary, Mother of Jesus and hence the Mother of God, is therefore our Mother. Catholics believe Mary was born free of original sin – she is the Immaculate Conception. Whilst there is not a lot in the Gospels about Mary, what we do know reveals the perfect model of obedience to God. Mary accepted the motherhood of her nature. She sent her Son and our Saviour out into the world, despite all the terror that he would confront, which she knew would be unbearably painful. She remained fiercely and fearlessly loyal in her love, through all His and her pain. When one considers just these facts alone, what emerges is the extremity of courage.
So, Mary is the ultimate model of love and feminine courage.
Whilst there is not much in the Gospels about Mary, what is apparent is the strong reverence for her soon after Jesus’ death and Resurrection. During His death on the Cross, Jesus assigned the apostle John and Mary to each other as mother and son. This is culturally significant, because a widow without a son was very vulnerable, and Jesus’ last instruction was to mitigate this vulnerability. It is believed that they lived together in Ephesus until Mary was assumed into heaven. Given Mary’s unparalleled standing as a holy person, there were no relics of her body, which is evidence of her Assumption. This is not the case for many other 1st century saints of less significance – many relics do exist. It is clear from this that Mary received the greatest of love, care and reverence from the Apostles, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
So, Mary is the ultimate recipient of the triune God’s grace.
For the generations that have followed Mary, and across cultures, religions and even continents, Mary has appeared to people; apparitions of Mary are a universal phenomenon. These apparitions have also been inspirational for people en mass. For example, Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared five times over a few days to native American Indians in Mexico, performed a miraculous recovery in a dying Indian man, miraculously formed her Revelations 12 image from roses inside a cloak, and all this subsequently led the conversion of nine million native Americans within less than a decade. Our Hindu and Muslim cousins also revere Mary. Amazingly, there is also a story of missionaries arriving to an outback South Australian Aboriginal tribe in the 1800s to learn they already knew of this immaculate woman with the divine child.
So, Mary as the Mother of God and hence all humanity, is eternally unifying.
In Revelations 12, Mary is interpreted by some to represent the Church on Earth. This is a little contested, although it is fair to say that Mary housed the Body of Christ, which is the Church. The dragon of this scripture represents the devil who is always fighting to persecute the Church.
Ultimately, God’s grace prevails, and the Church overcomes Satan. That is, Mary overcomes Satan. There are many Christians today that are experiencing persecution. An interim report on Christian persecution (available through the following link) informs of this: .
This is a frightening read, but it is not comprehensive; it doesn’t include the ignoring, silencing and censoring by mainstream media and tech giants experienced by Christians in the west. Never-the-less, God intercedes through Mary and provides hope. It is our faith, inspired by Mary, that enables us to continue to spread the Good News of the risen Lord. We know that Mary is beside us, enduring with us, and strengthening and encouraging us.
So, Mary our Mother, is the ultimate provider of faith, hope and encouragement.
This is by no means an expansive summary of Mary, but it does provide an inexhaustive template for the ultimate mother. She is eternally loving and courageously sends her children into the world. She unifies her family – they are bound through her. She can, through prayer, seek and receive God’s grace, and in turn provide unending belief, hope and encouragement to her children, who she is with, always.
To the mothers of our community - Happy Mothers’ Day! I encountered the following at a funeral, and I thought it would be nice to know how you affect your children now, as you will beyond this Earthly life.
Your Mother is Always with You
She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street.
She’s the smell of certain foods you remember,
flowers you pick,
the fragrance of life itself.
She’s the cool hand on your brow when you’re not feeling well,
She’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day.
She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep,
The colours of a rainbow,
She is Christmas morning.
Your mother lives inside your laughter.
She’s the place you came from,
Your first home,
And she’s the map you follow with every step you take.
She’s your first love,
Your first friend,
Even your first enemy,
But nothing on Earth can separate you.
Not time,
not space…
…not even death.
Project Compassion
I am very pleased to share that our fundraising efforts over Term 1 and Lent produced a total of $3,043. Significant funds ($1,043) were raised through a Coin Line House Competition which was won by Candler House in the Primary School and Lacordaire House in the Secondary School.
Significant funds were also raised through stalls conducted by 5LW ($922) and 5/6V ($395) and a barbecue run by the YCS group ($577). Thank you to staff, parents and students who contributed in some way to the excellent Catholic Social Teaching causes supported through Caritas.
Vinnies Winter Appeal – Can Drive and Clothing
Last year we ran a competition between Primary classes and Secondary Houses to collect cans of non-perishable food items for those in need during winter. We collected more than 2,500 cans. This year we are aiming to collect more than 3,000. I encourage you to support those in need through contributing to this can drive.
Furthermore, we have a Vinnies clothing bin for second hand clothes and blankets. So, if you are clearing wardrobes, or perhaps this gives you have a reason to, your clothes donations will be gratefully received by those feeling the cold this winter.
Attacks on Christians in Sri Lanka
Unfortunately, attacks on Christians are occurring more regularly and this was most clearly apparent in Sri Lanka on the holiest day of the Christian calendar – Easter Sunday. We Christians are quick to stand in solidarity with any group of humans, religious or otherwise, that are treated with contempt.
We must also do the same for those who share our faith. It was saddening to hear these Christians referred to as “Easter worshippers” by certain ex-leaders around the globe. It appears as if some would not like to acknowledge Christian persecution. The Notre Dame fire – officials claiming it an accident before it was even extinguished –