Student Services Office
Student Services Office
Medical Authority
Medical details and health care plans for students are required to be updated annually. Please ensure your son’s Anaphylaxis action plan and/or Asthma action/management plan is up to date. Action and management plans should be signed by a health practitioner and all medication should have a completed current pharmacy label on it.
Please visit the link below for information on medication at school:
Wet Weather
Please review SEQTA notifications daily to receive notices such as sporting event cancellations due to wet weather (i.e. soccer training).
Student Services Office Hours
The Student Office is open on school days from 8:20 am to 3:30 pm.
Please contact 8169 3912 or for further information.
Metro Card Recharging
Metro Cards can be recharged at the Student Services Office on school days between 8:20am and 3:30pm.
For recharging of Metro Cards outside of the Student Services Office hours please visit Adelaide Metro website to recharge your son’s Metro Card online: