Middle School News

Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 students have immersed themselves in their work experience this week and we have had lots of positive feedback from students and employers. A number of students have expressed interest in potential job opportunities in the field they have chosen and this has given students wonderful insight into potential career pathways as they move towards the subject selection process for their VCE courses next year.
Year 10 Camps
Itineraries have been finalised and sent out to students to share with their families for both the Central Australia and Tasmania trips in June. There will be school meetings for students in the lead up to camp to go over important information including departure times and packing lists.
Year 9 City Experience
Year 9 students will be heading into the city in August for their city immersion experience from 19 to 21 August. Students will be travelling into the city by train with their classes and participating in a range of activities throughout the city, staying in the city for the two nights. This provides students with a great opportunity to navigate their way around the CBD as well as learn a lot about Melbourne’s history and culture.
Further information will be sent out to families shortly, including payment information. Payments of $245 will be due by the second last week of Term 2.
Deb Jarvis
Director of Middle School