Junior School News

Welcome back to term 2 

I hope you all had a rested break.


Open Evening was a success last week and the Junior School students who were involved in the night did a great job. Their roles ranged from tour guides, speakers or subject helpers and the parents were very impressed by their confidence and knowledge. Thank you to all of the teachers who contributed to this night.


The Junior School has a busy term coming up. Everyone should have received an email which has an outline of the topics the students will be covering throughout their subjects this term. We have Year 8  camp in week 5, interschool sport and some incursions planned for both Year 7 and 8.

Year 8 Camp

We are all looking forward to the Year 8 camp coming up in week 5 of this term. All permission forms should have now been submitted. It is time to start checking the clothing list and to start putting aside older clothes that can get dirty, ready to pack for camp.


If you would like to watch a video clip on the camp please go to www.thesummit.net.au


Emma Holman

Director of Junior School