
Welcome back to a busy term in our sporting calendar.
On Tuesday 30 April the Senior Netball teams competed in their round robin. Both teams came away as the overall winners and will now play in the SMR Round Robin in July.
On Wednesday 1 May the Year 7 Volleyball team accompanied by Mr Hall competed at the Southern Metropolitan Regional Finals and the Year 8 Volleyball players accompanied by Mrs Mathews competed on Thursday 2nd May. Although all played well and gave it a shot on the court the results at the end of the day did not reflect this.
On Thursday 2 May the AFL teams played in the Beachside round robin with a junior (Year 7 & 8), Intermediate (Year 9 & 10) and a Senior (Year 11 & 12) team. Congratulations to all players involved for the good sportsmanship displayed on the field throughout the day. The Intermediate team have successfully qualified to compete in the next round. Thank you to the following staff coaches for braving the wet conditions – Mr Day, Ms Sharpe, Ms Jager, Ms Kosack and Mr Hull.
On Wednesday 8 May, the Year 8 Softball team competed in the Southern Metropolitan Regional Finals accompanied by Mrs Harvey. Good luck to the Year 7 tennis team accompanied by Ms Holman playing on Friday 10 May.
As the colder months approach together with the winter based sports, students are reminded that correct PE uniform is still expected when heading out to represent the college. No additional items such as hoodies or leggings are permitted and will be confiscated for the day if they do appear. In the instance that uniform items are provided to students, a sign out sheet is recorded with the staff coach with the expectation that these items are then returned at the conclusion of the day to be washed.
Please continue to keep an eye out on Compass and your emails for sport related information as the term rolls on.
Congratulations to Cara Jenkins for competing at the Nationals Swimming Competition over the holidays. Before the meet Cara hoped to “make finals in one or both of the backstroke events which means I will swim again in the evening BUT more importantly I just wants to enjoy my last meet”.
Cara had a wonderful attitude after the meet: "Nationals didn’t exactly go to plan. The results weren’t what I aspired for, but I had so much fun and wouldn’t trade it for the world! Goodbyes were extremely hard to give as this was my last meet!"
Congratulations on an impressive swimming career while at MGSC.
Ilana Parker
Interschool Sport Coordinator
MGSC 2019 School swimming sports was held early in Term 1, many girls excelled on the day.
2019 MGSC age level champions are:
13 age level Jenna Morley (Year 7)
14 age level Matilda Pettersson (Year 8)
15 age level Georgia Macmillan and Mya Winnell (Year 9)
16 age level Maia Lafferty (Year 10)
17 age level Cara Jenkins (Year 11)
18 age level Ayannah Blazek (Year 12)
These girls will be recognised at a school assembly later in the year.
Beachside Division
Beachside Division swimming was held on Thursday 28 March at MSAC. Thank you to Mr Julian Day who took seven of our students. Eva Byrden came first in both of her races; 16-20 years freestyle 200m and 17 years breaststroke 50m. Georgia Macmillan came second in both of her races; 12-15 years freestyle 100m and 12-20 years freestyle 400m. Megan Blignaut, Eva Byrden, Gabby Hall and Jemma Johnson came third in the 17-20 years medley relay. Gabby Hall, Pia Gade, Poppy Ward and Jemma Johnson came third in the 18-20 years freestyle relay.
Huge congratulations to all girls involved.
Fiona Faulkes
Carnivals Coordinator