Year 4 & 5 News

Cook's Cottage & Immigration Museum Excursion - Year 4

Last week the Year 4s went on an excursion to Cook’s Cottage and the Immigration Museum. We first went to Cook’s Cottage where we were divided into 4 groups. The first activity we learnt about Captain Cook’s discovery. The next activity was exploring his family cottage. We also learnt the type of games they played in the 18th century such as skittles and throwing a hoop over the ring. We talked about how Mrs Cook used herbal medicines such as rosemary to cure baldness. We also dressed up in costumes – the boys enjoyed it because some of them wore dresses!!!



At the Immigration Museum we were told two stories by a lady called Pat. The first story was about a girl named Rebecca who migrated from England to Australia in 1851. She and her brothers travelled to Australia for a better life and to look for new opportunities. Another story was about Cuc who moved here in 1977 from Vietnam because of war. She escaped with a group of people disguised as fishermen, hidden below the deck of a riverboat. They were rescued and then interviewed and chosen to come to Australia for work. Cuc and her husband are still alive and sometimes visit the museum to talk about their journey of survival.


We had a great day!


Aaliyah W, Annie C, Mia S & Milla H - 4C

Author Visit - Year 5

Last Tuesday (7 May), George Ivanoff came to the Year 5 classrooms to talk about his books and how he comes up with his ideas. George is an excellent author and has written some amazing books such as the 'You Choose' series, other world books and many more stories.


George helped us with our writing techniques by teaching different strategies to us that we can use to start writing. He really helped us in a fun and cool way! He showed us how to separate stories into 4 parts. The four parts to come up with story ideas were, 'threats', next was 'character', after that was 'setting' and finally, we brainstormed different 'powers' the main character could have. In class, we had a go at writing some stories of our own.


We hope George Ivanoff comes back to visit next year. Make sure you check out some of his books in our Library!


Pippie L, Jye H, Ollie S and Mila W - 5D