Interview with a Volunteer

Melissa Joy

Why do you volunteer at BNPS?

I volunteer for a few reasons, the first was that my mum (a single working parent) always did, and as a child I loved seeing my mum involved in the school. I want my children to feel that same connection between home and school too, (and it allows me to be see a little of their school world!). Volunteering at school helps with my sense of belonging to the local community, which is important to me as we have no family here in Melbourne (we moved from Sydney 3 years ago). Finally, I really like to help people, and I enjoy working in small ways, behind the scenes to help the school to continue to succeed.

What year level are your children in?

I have Georgia in 6, Gabriel in 4 and Riley in 1.

What roles have you volunteered for during your time at BNPS?

I have volunteered for the Canteen, reading groups, Literacy Program, Mother’s Day Stall, Father’s Day Stall, Head Hunters, Bike Education, Cross Country, Colour Run, Discos, Fete and Class Rep roles.

What is your background/current role (outside of BNPS!)?

Last term I quit my role within project management, as I have started studying a Cert IV in Education Support.

What do you do during your spare time?

I took up tap dancing again 3 years ago, and it is the big love of my life outside of the family. I also volunteer as the secretary for Beaumaris Life Saving Club, and that keeps me pretty busy.

What’s the best thing about BNPS?

The warmth of the school community, we were welcomed with open arms when we arrived, and although we were all a little nervous about leaving our school community in Sydney, we haven’t looked back.