
Lessons are being held in both branches of our library. New staff team members are meeting this year’s students and getting to know their taste in reading material. At this point in time we are still making both our facilities more student and work friendly – but the changes put in place seem to be proving worthwhile!


Our lending rules across the College are:

Early Learning Piccino students: 1 book per week with a 2-week loan period.

Prep to Year 12 students: up to 10 books at once with a 2-week loan period. Obviously carting 10 books away in one go is not easy to achieve without damaging the books in transit but borrowing some and then adding to it up to 10 works well.


Year 7 Geography, Year 10 and VCE History students are issued text books in addition to these allowances and these are lent for most of the school year. The expectation is that they will return in good condition once exams are done.

The aim of borrowing Library books is to get students reading and keep them reading. Luckily for us we have big collections, so this arrangement does not leave us without lots of options still available. Our Junior School would have more books per head than many of the bigger schools in our region. We are so lucky to have had a long term vision of the importance of school libraries to student learning which was established long before any of the current teachers were here.


Watch each week’s newsletter to see what else is going on!


Mrs Margaret Simkin

Head of Library