Kelly Club 

What have we been up to?

We have had a lot of fun with our painting and animals theme over the last few weeks. The children have created their own animal masks; Eddie Emu was definitely the favourite.  With lots of great pictures being drawn, the animal colouring pages have been very popular as well as the plaster mold animals.


With the weather starting to warm up we have been spending a lot of time playing outside. Roarke, Aiden and Mattia built a great racing car track on the footy field, using brooms and sticks. Rachel, Aliah and Erin built a huge fort inside using all of the boxes, blankets, and anything heavy they could find, it was the perfect place to sit and relax.  


We have been making a lot of necklaces and bracelets over the past few weeks, as well as creating some fantastic paintings and drawings.  

Kinder Corner

Children seem to enjoy the indoor and outdoor play in Kelly Club. Over the past two weeks children participated in art and craft experiences such as painting, making bracelets, dramatic play, and playing board games indoor.  On the other side children enjoy the outdoor play as they participate in experiences such as 'capture the flag'  or  'What’s the time Mr. Wolf?', swings and climbing experiences.


The Kindergarten children enjoy the company of their big buddies as they participate in the same experiences; they exchange their ideas and collaborate together.

The Kelly Club

The Kelly Club OSHC Program runs at Arlington Monday to Friday, following the end of the school day at 3.30pm.  You can find out more about Kelly Club here.


The Program is focused around sports, cooking, art and craft activities as well as structured ‘free-time’ after a busy day at school.   Activities are optional for students and incorporated into themed subjects each week that give children the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the school classroom.  Children have opportunities to explore and discover through resources provided each day.


Enrolling in Kelly Club is easy,  to receive an enrolment form please call 9384 2204 or email



Preshil Programme Coordinator