From the Principal

Our students really do rock!

I hope many Arlington families took the opportunity to see the recent production of We Will Rock You!


One parent described it as ‘glorious, joyful - and stylish’.


Another member of the audience, not immediately associated with the School, took the time to write to us to say:


‘You can be very proud of your students and of the amazing production… I know the work that goes into these things and it was the best school production I have ever been to. The students were a happy bunch and thoroughly enjoyed what they were doing… Congratulations on an outstanding effort.’


We certainly are very proud of all those individuals involved in this enormous undertaking - produced, directed and driven by students and supported by their teachers and parents.


Special acknowledgement of Karoline Kuti and Michelle Berner, who have been the prime movers in a music culture that puts the joy of performance, encouragement and celebration, combined with setting high expectations for everyone, ahead of showcasing an exclusive group of elite musicians and actors. Needless to say, rich musicianship and animated acting flourishes.


This year it was especially satisfying to see Arlington children having a significant role in this very inclusive team, which comprised students from ten years old to students of all ages to Year 11.  I loved seeing the discipline and skill displayed by the younger actors and we are all looking forward to the years ahead as they put this experience to good use in more ambitious ways.


Bigger schools may produce glossier productions and spend more on professional expertise; we are happy to have our students grapple with all the learning and development that comes through a genuinely collaborative and original production with all the drama of real life.


Congratulations to everyone involved.



Marilyn Smith
