Information for Parents

School Ties

McGuire College school ties are available for purchase from the general office for $10.00.

Student Absences

Parents who call the office to notify of their child/s absence are now required to provide a signed hand written note or medical certificate to have the absence approved.

Asthma Action Plan

Years 7 -12 - Does your child suffer from Asthma?

Have you provided the school with a copy of the Asthma Plan?

If not please contact the school to complete an up to

date form.


McGuire College is a Sunsmart School, and as such, during Terms 1 & 4  students must wear a broad brimmed hat when outside, whether it be walking from the lockers to the canteen, playing sport on the oval or simply walking around the school.

Navy broad-brimmed hats are available for purchase from the general office for $11.00.

Family Email address

It is important that families provide the school with a current email address so that parents can access and receive important school information (student reports, absences, accounts, newsletters).

 You can notify us by calling the office, send an email or a note from home.

2019 CSEF

All students who claimed for CSEF in 2018 your claim will be automatically generated for 2019.

Please call into McGuire College with your current healthcare/pension card if your son/daughter is a NEW student to McGuire College for 2019


If you have a current healthcare/pension card and did not claim In 2018 for CSEF.


School Accounts

If you receive Centrelink payments and wish to make regular fortnightly payments please call into the General Office to process.

Please contact Loretta Huggard on 58589800 if you wish to discuss. Thank You

Cyber Relationships