Compass is a vital tool for communication between the school and families. Notifications about upcoming events, the school calendar, schedules etc are all available on Compass. This is also where families will book Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews and print Student Reports. Most of our families have logged onto and are using Compass. For families that have not yet logged on a letter with your username and temporary password has been sent home today. If you have any questions about Compass please see Danielle in the office next Monday.
Students are expected to attend school every day. We request that absences are kept to a minimum where possible. Scheduling of appointments, family holidays etc should be done outside of school hours/days if possible. We understand that students will be absent when unwell, staying home to get better is much better than risking the student becoming more unwell or spreading the illness to classmates. When students are absent please notify the school by entering an approval on Compass or phoning the school. We are required by the Education Department to follow up all unexplained absences on the same day that they occur. If a student has been marked not present with no explanation an automatic text message will be sent to families asking you to notify the school of the reason. Ongoing absences with no explanation will then be followed up with a phone call and/or letter home. We ask all families to assist us with this by notifying the school as soon as possible when a student is absent.