
Lunchtime social skills club

The children have an opportunity to come to a lunchtime social skills club on a Tuesday. 


We meet outside in the quiet area (between space 1 and 3) during the 2nd lunch break. 


We have been using the large connect 4 games outside. This is an opportunity for those children who may find lunchtimes hard or need to practice their social skills. We have been focusing on taking it in turns, playing by the rules, using polite words when we speak to each other, playing co-operatively and packing up the equipment safely. If your child finds it difficult to find friends to play with at lunchtime, you might mention to them to come along to this lunchtime club.  If you are concerned about the wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au.

MConnect with Wellsprings for Women

In term 4, we will continue to meet weekly on Zoom for our parent group. All parents are most welcome to join. 


The meeting will be with Robyn from Wellsprings via Zoom on Tuesdays at 2.20pm until 3pm. The parents are working on a quilt displaying our school values. The squares for the quilt will be going home on Monday. 


If you would like to be involved in making the quilt, please let me know as soon as possible. All parents are welcome to participate, even if they are unable to attend the weekly Zoom meeting.


Please use the link below to join the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 851 3868 5427

Passcode: TL2Kqy


White Ribbon Day

This White Ribbon Day (Friday 20 November), communities all over Australia are coming together to say ‘no’ to violence against women. It takes all of us. Young people from an early age are exposed to information, messaging and behaviours that can support and condone violence against women. Young people are also already exposed to, and influenced by, domestic violence. 


We will be sending the children the message that we need to treat everyone with respect regardless of their gender and violence is not tolerated. We will be showing the children a short clip called “A new story” that promotes positives relationships in families. You can watch the clip here.



On this day, to promote the message of white ribbon day, children will be allowed to wear a white accessory to school such as ribbons, scrunchies, socks, scarf, hat etc. Children will still need to wear their school uniform.


Respectful Relationships

Respectful Relationships is a whole school approach that promotes a culture of equality and respect to end Family Violence for future generations. This will be achieved by reviewing existing practices and culture as well as delivering an evidence based social and emotional learning program that supports resilience, respect and equality. This term, our focus is on Topic 7 Gender and Identity. In these activities, we look at gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes are generalisations about the characteristics of an entire group based on gender. Gender stereotypes dictate behaviours that are considered to be acceptable for males and females. For example, a gender stereotypes might be that all boys are rough and aggressive and all girls are nurturing. Here are some helpful ideas for how to tackle this topic at home with your children.



The Resilience Project

In 2021, we will continue to be a partner school with the Resilience Project. The senior students will be using the journals and we will have a parent information session early in the year. We will continue to reinforce the key values of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional literacy. By teaching these values and skills to the children, we are working towards building their resilience.


Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader
