Education in Faith

Sacramental News

2020 - Confirmation Candidates

  • remember to pay your Sacramental levy ($15) by Tuesday 1st December.
  • return completed banner to your child’s teacher by Tuesday 1st December.
  • Students meet Fr. Dong via zoom on Friday (20/11, 11/12).


Rozeta Ambrose REL- Sacraments


Confirmation 2020

Reflection of Fr. Dong’s Zoom Meeting sessions with our students at SFS- 6.11.2020


Today we completed our second Confirmation session, with Fr. Dong via Zoom. He spoke about the significance of Confirmation, and how it isn’t a one-off event. Confirmation is such a crucial part that shapes our lives. Father explained how Confirmation is one step towards receiving the Holy Spirit, and when we receive this Sacrament, WE are called to spread Jesus’ light. He explained the  process of how Confirmation will take place, when we receive the Holy Spirit. We look forward to hopefully speaking to Fr. Dong face to face, next fortnight. -Daelan


Today during our session we learnt about choosing a saint and also who would be the only person that could confirm us.-Alannah


On Friday, 6th November, the grade 6 Confirmation kids had the honor of talking with Fr. Dong over a zoom meeting. He discussed the signs and symbols of the Holy Spirit, as well as what we will be expected to feel/do when we get confirmed. He explained how Confirmation isn’t just an “ everyday event”, he said it is celebration and wake up call to begin spreading the message of God. Fr. Dong also explained what the apostles did after they received the Holy Spirit. We (as the grade 6 confirmation students) are excited to see Fr. Dong face to face, and look forward to our Confirmation next year…. -Alexis


On Friday, 6th of November Fr. Dong had a meeting with the Grade 6 about Confirmation. He explained to us about the Holy Spirit and what happens when we get confirmed. After we receive this Sacrament, we don’t just walk away and act like we did not get confirmed. The Holy Spirit follows us and blesses us. Then when we leave on our journey for high school, God will be with us and teach us to be his followers. Fr. Dong also taught us how to understand the Sacrament of Confirmation because you can't just receive something and not understand it. You need to be able to explain it to other people so they can follow us and do the same.                                                                                                             -Madison


Fr Dong took us through the Sacrament Confirmation. He made us understand what we need to say and respond on the actual day. He explained the different signs of Confirmation such as the dove, fire, cross, wind, bread & wine. Fr. also told us about Jesus and how we need to be the fire spreading the word. He said that we need to be like the apostles and continue to do the work of God. This session was very helpful teaching us the responses we need to say at Confirmation.-  Thank you Father Dong.        -Joshua. K


Today, Father Dong told us about the symbols and how the Confirmation will take place. He answered our questions. Thank you Father Dong. -Maximus


Father Dong talked to us about the Sacrament of Confirmation, he helped us to understand why we receive Confirmation and the meaning behind the Sacrament. 



Father Dong made it more clearer about the understanding of confirmation, he told us even when we leave to go to high school, God will still be with us. Thank you Fr. Dong



On Friday, 6th of November we had a talk with FR. Dong. He told us that this will be the final Sacrament at SFS and what it should mean to us because it is the most important one. He also said that this Sacrament allows us to pick what we do for the rest of our life. 



Father Dong told us today that receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation is when we also receive the Holy Spirit. This will give us the ability to practice our Catholic faith in every aspect of our lives.             -Lachlan 


Today Father Dong educated us about the Sacraments and the Holy Spirit. He explained how this affects us as human beings. He also told us to be good and be respectful children of God. He informed us about the Holy Spirit and the signs of the Holy Spirit. 

- Hamish


Today Fr Dong taught us about the Sacraments and Holy Spirit. He taught us that the Holy Spirit has an impact on us as human beings. He also mentioned how to be a good person and treat others with kindness. He also explained the Holy Spirit and the symbols.  



We learned about the Sacrament of Confirmation and how we will be confirmed to God and Jesus. Father Dong explained how and why we receive this Sacrament. The Holy Spirit blesses us and follows us, but what we choose to do with the gifts of the Holy Spirit is completely up to us...                                                                                                                  -Aesha


Father Dong spoke to us more about the Sacrament of Confirmation. I now know more about this Sacrament that I'm going to receive. I understand that Confirmation is a welcoming into God's kingdom. Thank you father for what you have taught us about Confirmation.                                                                                                                                   -Archie 


Father Dong spoke to us about the Sacrament of Confirmation and the symbols. He told us the meaning of Confirmation and why it is important.                                                   -Dylon


Father Dong informed us about the Sacrament of Confirmation and the symbols that represent the Holy Spirit. He explained what happens when we are confirmed. After Confirmation, we need to become a better person and love God more. Father Dong made me more aware of how important Confirmation is.                                                        -Anoushka


Father Dong explained what the Sacraments and symbols meant that represents the Holy Spirit. He taught us the acts of kindness and how to be a better person physically and mentally.                                                                                                                                        -Gabrielle

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus tells a story about three servants to teach us about using our gifts wisely. In the parable of the three servants, each servant is given a different sum of money from their master who is leaving on a journey. Two of them invest wisely and double their money. The last one buries his money in the ground. When the master returns he is disappointed in the servant who does not invest wisely. He takes the money from him and he throws the servant out of the house.


In this parable, the master is like Jesus, away for a time in heaven, until he returns to settle things with his followers. The settling of accounts is the final judgement and the servants’ rewards and punishments are meant to remind listeners of the importance of using God’s gifts wisely and well.


You are invited and called to be a Steward!

Christian stewardship involves caring for all that God gives us in creation. All of creation belongs to God. As good stewards, we help God care for creation. Good stewardship also involves caring for the poor and working for the common good.


Jesus is the model for good stewardship because Jesus shows us how to serve God and others. As Catholics, we understand that we have a responsibility for others. 


We are commanded to love God and our neighbour. Loving our neighbour is inseparable from loving God. Good stewards work on behalf of the poor and suffering in the world. In Catholic Social Teaching, they are called corporal works of mercy. We serve Jesus when we share our blessings with people in need. Being a good steward means that we use our gifts and abilities to help bring about God’s kingdom.


The Gospel in my Life

  • What does the master give the three servants?
  • Why does Jesus tell the story of the three servants?
  • How do the servants use their gifts?
  • Why is the master disappointed with the servant who buried his gift?
  • Why does Jesus want us to use our gifts wisely and well?
  • How can we show God that we are thankful for our gifts and abilities?
  • How can you use your gifts to help someone in need this week?
  • What does Jesus want us to do with our gifts?
  • What gifts and abilities has God given you?
  • What do you do with the gifts that God has given you?
    Who helps you to discover your gifts?
  • Why is Jesus a model for good stewardship?
  • How do we serve Jesus?


Sacrament Connection

In the Sacrament of Baptism we celebrate becoming members of God’s family, the Church. Being part of a family includes having some responsibility for one another. Membership in God’s family means that we are stewards of God’s household, sharing in the responsibility of caring for creation.


Let us Pray

Dear God, help us to discover the gifts and abilities that you have given us. Guide us so that we may use our gifts to help others. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.


Rozeta Ambrose REL- Sacraments




As we lead towards our Christmas Appeal, Mini Vinnies were busily getting ready this week. 


Hamper baskets were decorated in Christmas colours and tags for the Christmas tree were prepared with house coloured ribbons.




Monday Afternoon Mini Vinnies



Tuesday Lunchtime Mini Vinnies


Late November, early December our Giving Tree will go up in the foyer and in LS3 with gift tags of children, their age and whether they are female or male. We hope you will be able to buy a Christmas present for those children who may otherwise not get a present this year, especially with so many people out of work. 


As parents will not be able to enter the school to collect the gift tags this year, we are asking that you write a note in your child’s diary allowing them to collect a gift tag and the Mini Vinnies or staff will assist them each morning and afternoon to collect a tag. 


Late November or early December your child will also come home with a food/toiletry/Christmas item to purchase for their Home Group’s Christmas Hamper. Once again we hope you will be able to assist us in gathering food/Christmas items to help those less fortunate celebrate Christmas. 


This year all of the items we collect will go to the St Vincent de Paul Soup Vans who will distribute them mid December. When I rang the St Vincent de Paul staff member in charge of overseeing the Soup Vans, he was very excited at the prospect of being able to secure these items for the Soup Vans which are located inner city, Berwick, Dandenong, Endeavour Hills, Moe and even Rosebud! 


These Soup Vans do an amazing job, some of them even working on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 


I have included a link which will provide you with a bit more insight into what the Soup Vans do. 


On behalf of the Mini Vinnies I would like to thank you for your support. SFS always donates kindly to any of the appeals the Mini Vinnies organise. 


And remember House points will be given which will go towards the House Community Spirit Award that will be presented to the House that has demonstrated their willingness to assist others less fortunate.


With thanks,

Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies