Library News 

Book Week

The Library continues to celebrate Book 'Week' - Curious Creatures Wild Minds/Words is the 2020 theme.  Students can create a curious creature in the library at lunchtimes.  Students are also invited to enter two competitions - Can you match the teacher with their curious creature and a wild word competition requiring students to match the wild word with the correct meaning.   Entries close Friday 13 November.  After the closing date, the first correct entry from each competition will be awarded a $10 Orchard Voucher.  Visit the library for further details.   

Artisan of the Month - October:

Congratulations to our most recent Artisans of the Month:

  • Student : Jasmin Knowles Powell - Bird painting
  • Staff : Vicky Rumble - Beeswax Wraps

Artisan of the Year - Peoples Choice Award:

To help celebrate Design and Technology Week we threw open the entire 2020 Artisan of the Month back catalogue to the school community to vote on The Peoples Choice Award 2020. Congratulations to the winners:

  • Student : Lily Evans 7B - Turtle drawing
  • Staff : Zoe Carolan - Drawing of Matthew