Staying in Touch

Curiosity ELC contact details

Please ensure that you call the Centre or text in before 9am if your child is unable to attend.   We do appreciate all our families who make the judgement call to keep their unwell children at home. Thank you.

Phone:  7127 2820

Mobile:  0408 226 664


Email the Director:

Email the 3 Year Old (Green Team) Lead Educator:

Email the 3/5 Year Old (Blue Team) Lead Educator: and

Email the 4/5 Year Old (Orange Team) Lead Educator:

Uniform Shop Hours - Closing 27th of November for 2020

Tuesday:  8:00 - 10:30am

Wednesday:  12:30 - 3:30pm

Friday:  1:00 - 3:30pm


Please contact Dani Levy our Uniform Coordinator, via email for you all your uniform enquiries:


Curiosity Early Learning Centre Youtube Channel

Please find the link to our YouTube Channel where you can find some songs and videos that we are using to support your child's learning and times of Worship at Curiosity.  Once on the page click on 'Playlists' to find songs for our Together Times with God and Living and Learning.


Thank you to all our families who have been reading and responding to your child's learning stories.  It is wonderful to celebrate these moments with you.


Please note that Storypark has a new Families and Educators app that you can link to your child's account.  We have been exploring it's functions of the past few weeks and would recommend you download it as an alternative to the web based platform.

Communication Pockets

Keep an eye out for any communication pegs, artwork, book club catalogues or general notices.  


Our last Scholastic catalogues for the year are being sent home with students this week. Please use the Loop ordering system to place your orders.

Scholastic apps are available to download for both Apple and Android devices to make ordering through the Loop system easier.

There is the option to mark your purchases as GIFTS. When these books arrive you will be contacted directly, rather than books going home with students.

Please also note that some titles offered, differ from the Christian ethos followed by the school. 

Orders need to be submitted via the LOOP ordering system or returned to the front office by Thursday 19th November 2020.  

Happy Reading Everyone and thank you so much for your support of the Scholastic Book club throughout 2020!


For ordering of any of the Scholastic books please feel free to create an account for your child under Pre-K Curiosity.  All orders will then be delivered to the Centre for you.