New School Jackets!

We really do understand that there has been flooding, lots of sickness going around and students with Covid that are required to isolate for the mandatory 7 days but some students have had concerningly low attendance rates recently. If your child is sick or needs to be away for a medical reason, please let us know via the Skool Loop app, by phoning the office and a written, signed, note on return. Department regulations stipulate that verbal information by the students is not sufficient. Contact from Parents or Carers is required. Otherwise the expectation is that they attend school each day. Regular attendance is crucial for effective learning to occur and progress to be made.
The Education Departments Policy regarding action on non-attendance is clear. Parents & Carers are to notify the School if their child or children will be absent. If no communication is received from a absent child's parent or carer the child will be marked as an unexplained absence. Continued non attendance can trigger further welfare action from Department sectors like home school liaison officers and serious continued absence can trigger a police welfare check. If you have any concerns or would like support in relation to your child/rens attendance please contact the School via email.
Reminder School Times
Just a reminder that the school drop off time is after 8.30am. There are no staff on duty before 8.30 as we are busy preparing for the day.
School finishes at 3.10pm. If you are picking up your child, please aim to pick them up as close to this time as possible.
Unfortunately we haven't had any volunteers to join our school P&C. Without members the P&C won't be able to function and will have to fold. This would be very disappointing as the P&C is a crucial part of the school and allows parents and community to have a voice.
If you are interested in joining the P&C please contact the school as soon as possible. We would love to have you!
This term students have really enjoyed their weekly tennis lessons. Their skills have really improved and we are seeing some great rallies!
The Tennis coach has sent us a link to redeem a free T shirt. If you would like to claim one please follow the link below.
New School Jackets
We have ordered new School Jackets and they should be arriving early Term 3. Cost is $50 each or you can request to use $$$ out of your child's $500 flood grant.
LPS 100
Students have been busy researching the history of Larnook Public School over the last 100 years. Here are the dragonflies making
"old paper".