What's Happening...

Skool Loop
The school has begun using the app Skool Loop.
We will use the app to provide information about upcoming events and dates, and send home virtual permission slips and informative notes. If your child is absent you will be able to notify School that your child will be absent & record the reason through the app. Please take the time to download the app and familiarise yourself with how it works. Don’t hesitate to call the school if you require any assistance with this. So far we have received lots of positive feedback from parents using the app, thanks to all those who have started using it!
Please let us know if your contact details have changed so that we can keep our records up to date. It is very important that we are able to contact parents/carers, especially in case of an emergency.
Cherry blossom tree art
Staffing Update
Ms Emerton will remain on leave for all of Term 3.
We welcome back Gaye after her leave and we sadly farewell Libby who has done an incredible job in the office! We hope Libby will return for casual days.
Guinea Pig cuddles!