
The students continued to impress us with their mathematical thinking, talking and problem solving in Term 2. This term, we will continue to further explore a range of problem solving tasks using a range of different strategies. The 1/2 teachers were incredibly proud of the mathematical growth made by the students last semester, and are excited to see continued progress this term.
This term, the Level 1/2 students will be covering the following topics:
Number & Algebra
Worded Problems
- Solve various worded problems with a focus on number and sharing
Addition and Subtraction
- Use a range of mental strategies such as counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts through various games and activities
Number Sequences
- Describe number patterns using skip counting, and solving problems with repetition
- Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays
- Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems
Money and Financial Maths
- Recognise, describe and order Australian coins
Measurement and Geometry
- Understand the purpose and uses of maps
- Understand location and positions on maps
- Design maps and test their efficiency
- Give and follow directions
Statistics and Probability
Chance and Data
- Count and analyse data based on the medal tally at the Commonwealth games
- Ask questions and gather data
- Make graphs using data
Problem solving
- Continue to explore and solve challenging maths problems